
Second Life Tardis Free

Second Life Tardis Free Average ratng: 4,9/5 822 reviews
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This game is not suitable for kids or teens. When I first made my account I was 32 and met the wrong person. I’m sure there’s some good people but not in my case. I became friends with whom I thought was one of the nicest people and turned out to be so wrong.

That was farthest from what they was! Turned out they was a computer hacker. This person got into our family photos of my children, extended family and friends photos! Not just photos anything on our computer, they steal everything.

I had always told my children not to talk to people online they didn’t know and I watched them closely. The same thing I told my children not to do I did. I let my guard down. These type people look for easy prey and the naive innocent people just trying to enjoy a game. I have to say it’s been like an absolute nightmare still dealing with this evil pyscho that happens to be a Hospice nurse in Tennessee and it’s been 11 years! These type of people are very sneaky, charismatic, they definitely bring on the charm and VERY difficult to catch. People are crazy so becareful and watch your children, teens and yourself on any online games.

I’ve given all online games up because of what happened. We live in a scary world for sure. Lesson learned for me!

What does tardis stand for

It’s a shame someone can’t just feel at ease and play an online game without worrying about those type of people ready to pounce. I don’t want anyone else to go through what I have.

If you’re an adult wanting to play this game keep your guard up too to protect yourself! When I was 11, I was a lost soul. I had no friends, had depression, low self esteem, and was one of those mature looking, but inside very impressionable kids.


One day I was browsing the Internet and came across this website, 'Second Life.' It looked like everything I had hoped for.

New beginnings. A chance to be a pretty, sociable girl. Only problem? It was for 18+ only. I didn't think much of lying about my age.

After all, I wasn't academically stupid and knew how to accurately portray an eighteen year old. Well, that was one of the most regrettable mistakes I've made. By the time I was eleven, I'd become a potty-mouthed, stupid, shopaholic, cybering addict who was failing all of her classes because she spent several hours a day chatting with shallow friends.

That game is lime crack. It doesn't solve anything and does nothing but wreck you from the inside out. And, the horrifying thing is; I can't get off of this website, it's so boring, but so horrifyingly addicting. I'm only 13, and I feel as if I'm on a doomed road. I've told my parents about this and they've uninstalled it from my computer, but I know how to work a computer and how to hide the application from my parents.TL;DR-do not touch this game.

It ruins lives. Why are children posting about this game?

Well, no, not game, but still. Second life Has been an 18+ game for 8 years now. And yeah, there are a lot of horrible things on it. I'm a user of three years now.

And a developer. It's a little thing called common sense, people.

When you create a sandbox environment like this, you can only expect people to do things like that. It's the internet but fully interactive. You learn how to avoid its' bad places and whatnot. If you enjoy those places, and you're over 18, more power to you. But I will tell you all this. THat place has taught me more about coding and 3D modeling than any book or website ever has.

In the three years I've played, I can now create fully functioning AI, model an entire character, animation and all, and more. There is a teen grid with heavy restrictions on creations for younger folks who want to still get in on the good side of SL and personally I would rather join that if it weren't for my already successful business in the mainland programs and houses.And yes, you spend money on it, it's a fully functioning economy parallel to earth's. You can actually survive in real life off of your earnings in it if you're any good.Too long didn't read?-NO KIDS, IT'S AN 18+ GAME.-IT GIVES FULLS CREATIVE TOOLS INCLUDING A LIGHTWEIGHT SCRIPTING LANGUAGE ANYONE CAN LEARN, EXPECT DISTURBING CREATIONS.-LEARN TO DODGE THIGNS YOU DON'T LIKE, IT'S STILL THE INTERNET.-IT WAS MEANT AS A SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT FOR THE CREATIVE. LEAVE IT AT THAT.thank you. All the reviews on common sense media were old, and upon reviewing the rules for Second Life, I gained the impression that things had changed and that there were now adult areas for those over 18 and 'general' areas that were adult content free: 'General' areas in Second Life do not advertise or make available content or activity that's sexually explicit, violent or depict nudity. As we've also often said, General regions are areas where you'd feel free to say and do things that you'd be comfortable saying and doing in front of your grandmother, or a grade school class. Second Life was one of my worst and weirdest experiences, I am glad it didn't ruin my life or changed in drastically.Does it affect school?

I remember I played it when I was 12 - 13, I lied about my age. When I played it, my grades remained decent, it's not like I had good grades to start off with before I even played it but I still manage to get amazing grades during exam. My mom had to scold me once not to skip sleeping to play it, and I controlled my gaming from that day on.Wifi quota? It costs a lot. I had to stop playing when the wifi quota got too high. It's a bad thing yet at least I learned that wifi quota was a thing.

From that day, I only play the game in an internet cafe while dining my family. We went there whenever we need high speed internet, it was good.Social life? Nothing is affected much. I am good at keeping up a mask to hide my eccentricity and game addiction. I still have friends. I didn't have much social life to start off with so I've got nothing to lose.Growing up? Nah not much problem.

I got pretty bored of the game since there is nothing much to do.Virtual experience? Buggy but the people there are sorta okay. I was warned about the dangers of online. Don't just add friends until you know them. Know which one is legit. Be more critical and cynical.Virtual roleplaying experience?

Although I don't do much.Computer viruses? Yeah there are a lot. Even just using the average website may contain that. Use antivirus protection application and you'd be safe even while online gaming.Overall safety? Just like real life, there are dangers. You just need to think more critically and know which one is legit or not, you'll be fine.Learning experience?

I learned that ZBrush and Marvelous Designer was a thing and what are.obj and mesh files are. I communicated with creators and they are really nice on sharing their knowledge.

It's good if you want to do 3d modelling or programming.Gaming experience? Eh, I have seen better. I moved on from it and started playing Elder Scrolls.


Second Life needs to open the ability to change movement controls and hotkeys. Since it lacks that, I am completely turned off by the game nowPayment experience? I didn't and can't pay for anything due to Paypal transaction issues with my country. There are ways to earn L$ inworld like getting a virtual job. I use the L$ I earned to create things and then sell them, I earned more.

Yes, you need L$ to upload mesh or textures. I don't know how to explain them well why it is like that but you can search it up. It's just like real life but a virtual one.Now time for the deeper negative stuff.Sexual content? Yes, it is an 18+ game for a reason. But it is to be expected like the internet as well. You can make the content to 'general' only and it'll hide/censor all sexual content.Conclusion: should an 18 year old play this?For some learning experience or roleplaying fun, maybe.

There are more videos now about 3d modelling and programming that it's better off going to Youtube than in Second Life, back then it wasn't really easy to find.As long as the player is aware and responsible, then there are no issues trying Second Life out. This is not place for kids. There are G and PG rated areas including so many other activities like actual Church Services and family roleplay. That being said you have no idea who is the person behind the avatar. They could be a pedophile, some pervert or even worse a serial killer.

You Don't know. However it is a place for adults only.

Many people nowadays get wrapped up in the fantasy of the internet and also online gaming. Or parents use it as a crutch when they dont feel like watching their kids. Worst virtual world ever! Let me begin with how badly it's made.

Most sims tend to lag because of users who want to max everything out with scripts and particles, that not even the highest powerful comp can't even handle it. Then the trolls will tell you, you need a brand new computer because what you have is not up to par (totally not true). Secondly, the game is overly sexualized in the darkest form ever imaginable. I've seen avatars walk around with smutty particles in their mouth and anywhere you can imagine. The G-rated and Moderate areas contain smut regardless of their rating. Trolls and griefers are everywhere and the lag is horrendous on most sims.

Last but not least, it's also unsafe to play because anyone at anytime can run a script that can cause damage to your video card etc. Linden Labs doesn't acknowledge this fact and deletes any post on their site mentioning it, but it's true. I've have had several friends who have come across this issue and when they complained they got told otherwise. I have seen my video card heat up at unhealthy levels while on Second Life. So really you are better off playing something far less so complex like there.com.

Which is more user friendly, but still for 18 and up. You won't come across any porn content there.

I am a retired person is real life and I have been in Second Life over 15 years and I dread the thought of what if it existed when I was 18 years old. In my real life, I spent decades taking spiritual and personal growth courses and they helped me to create better relationships and more career success. However, the problem with second life is the real life minds of the majority of people who come to Second Life - NOT the platform itself.

The platform is very good for creating a better world than what it is.After 15 years in SL the biggest job anyone coming into SL has is weeding out the life destroying cesspool of immoral, decadent sims which will ruin your day, if not your life. However, scum rises to top and the majority of it exposes you to personal experience risking harassment, immoral chat, decadent behavior that would ruin your real life. Unfortunately, Second Life appeals to a lot of hedonistic people with little or no respect for the human race or individual. Being someone who has had only 1 account on secondlife going shopping, dealing with bdsm since im over 18 years of age i mean litterally lol. Hosting dj and hosts sets and what not i never thought that i would ever wind up having a family on secondlife.

I had two kids who told me horrifing stories about there secondlife experiance of older people or other kids trying to have sex with them while there dressed as teens and or toddlee doos.this game is very unsafe and not all the people who play kids and teens are adults over 18 they are kids 12 and up. People acting like its ok to have a nudity family on there.what are your kids being submited to? With out your consent let me tell you.one day i made friends with this guy who was into Furry/ Gor roleplay.

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He tped me to this beach.there was nothing but nude kids and teens on the beach naked talking sexually with other people so as Linden labs said to report i reported it. Next thing you know my avatar was taken and they said i participated in age play can you imagine?

I was so disgusted. So when they did that i filed a appeal. But because the person who owns that sim and 4 others works for Linden labs.

They perma blocked me.what did i learn in the end? That Gov Linden is a Predator enabling predators. There is a total of 8 grids sex trafficing weather people over 18 or not. And making money doing it. And the people that are playing the kids and teens are enabling these predators. Why am i pissed?

Because parents have no clue. I had no clue. And when you report it. You get punished instead of those people because that game is making money off of it. They even have there own discord if you go to golden sun beach past the mall.

There is a board there grab that discord. And walk around then leave. You will see. Or playground adoption, heritage adoption, pinky's playground. They are all ran by the same people. And they all have hubs and they all work for linden labs they do it open they do it private.

What Does Tardis Stand For

I even reported the guy who tped me there he had to be a regular. Next you thing you know i was harassed by telling him i was not going to age play or do anything with him and my accounts were gone thousands of dollars over the years wasted. So many lindens taken with my account.

My career in there gone.these people dont care about the welfare of your teen child or you they just want the mulah and dont care what you do while they sex traffic people and break there own TOS. So since im blocked. Im writing a article to publish in my state.and havig multiple people go to the differant grids to collect evidance weather video, pics, chat logs, land marks. Names of the grid names of the area name of the discord that way this game can get shut down.

What Is Second Life Marketplace

I have never seen such a vile disgusting game.and here i thought the teens and kids were in ga only and or moderate in certain places and family oriented only.from what i heard through my friend who rps as a kid for a family they just opened up a skin shop that shows bits to a teen and kid avi.why?? Besides that.

Almost everywhere you go there is trolls, griefers, hackers, predators of sorts, all you hear is cussing, sexual dressing, sexual talk, even in moderate or ga sims. They have bdsm grids.when teens and child avatars are allowed there.people on mic talking about sex.in non sexual areas.people hacking into your game viewer.stealing money.bashing of sorts. Its the worst thing you could submit yourself or your child or teen too.dont suck yourself into something that you cant get out of.or worse.dont get your self sucked into something that is illegal.i already have been talking to my attorney and news people about it. So now they are being watched sick disgusting enablers of all sorts of predators. That pretend they want to help the victims on there.