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Remember when we used to think there was no need to install virus protection on a Mac? That Macs were immune from viruses, malware and spyware.

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Well, not anymore. Although macOS offers some defence against these threats, the truth is, if you own an Apple machine, you need the latest Mac antivirus software.

Luckily, FileHippo hosts a selection of great virus protection software choices for Macs, including the best malware protection and Mac anti spyware software. Discover our full range today, because the best way to remove a virus from your Mac, is to prevent it getting infected in the first place!. 1.

The headline of my article could just as easily have read, ‘ A Dozen Ways To Avoid Malware On A Mac.’Wait. There isn’t much malware scourging Mac users, so, why bother? To be honest, I view malware on the Mac more of a FUD issue– fear, uncertainty, and doubt. The Mac as a platform has many new customers from Windows PCs and they bring their fears with them. The User ProblemWhat lit the fire that has me heading down the road of Mac malware when there just isn’t much Mac malware to worry about?A neighbor switched from Macs to Windows back in 1995 (remember Windows ’95?) and didn’t look back for almost 20 years.Last week he bought a MacBook Air, marveled at the aluminum frame, keyboard, battery life, and OS X. And he asked me for advice on which apps to install.I ran through my usual list of utilities and tools that help to improve the Mac experience when he cut me off. “ No,” he said.


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“ What antivirus tools do you use?”My response was typical for a condescending, snarky, sarcastic Mac user. “ It’s easier to list those I don’t use. All of them.”He ended up installing ClamXav because it was free and available on the Mac App Store. That gave him a sense of comfort, accomplishment, and mild bewilderment. After perusing the antivirus apps on the Mac App Store, he asked, “ Why are most of them free or dirt cheap?”My response was simple. “ Because they don’t have anything to do. There just isn’t much malware to worry about on the Mac.

It’s a different world for former Windows PC users who switch to the Mac. Enjoy your newfound paradise.”For many Mac users, fear, uncertainty, and doubt are the prime motivators to obtain, install, and use malware apps for the Mac.And that’s more of a user problem than an actual, real world problem with malware on the Mac. With nearly 99-percent of the world’s mobile malware on Android OS, and virtually nothing on iOS, Apple seems to have taken the high road against malware, and customers of competing products are taking notice.For what little malware exist on OS X you can use ClamXav or half a dozen to a dozen similar malware scanning apps. Or, you can simply relax, and learn to use a true personal computer and avoid the highway to FUD. Virgin Sacrificed!Alexis, writing on Circus Pony, explains how a '.'

It's a sordid tale of big brands swallowing smaller brands. Or, Less!TommyRocket's Tommaso found a list of ' and just in time for you to be out of money thanks to holiday shopping. Most Used!Cal, in voxApple, asks '.' He even gives you tips to find out and what to do about it.

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