
Pokemon Hack Misty Romero

Pokemon Hack Misty Romero Average ratng: 3,8/5 7308 reviews

First, a little background:. What exactly is a patch?A patch file (usually.ips, which stands for International Patching System) is simply a file that lists all of the differences between two files. Patching software like Lunar IPS can read the patch and apply all of those changes to a file of your choice.

How does it apply to me?If you and your friend have the same starting file (say, Homework1.doc), they can make changes to the file (i.e. Do the assignment) and send you a patch, so now all you have to do is apply it to your Homework1.doc, and voila! You both get 0's for turning in literally the exact same work. Great, but how does it apply to ROM Hacking?Say the initial file they start with is a ROM of FireRed. They make changes to the game and turn it into a new game (e.g.

Now they can send out a patch that will let you turn your FireRed ROM into a StunningSteel ROM.Patching files with LunarIPS is actually really self-explanatory, and once you know what you're doing, it takes like 10 seconds. But if it's your first time, here's the play-by-play:.

Download and install Lunar IPS, assuming you are using windows. If you are using a Mac, I think Multipatch is pretty good. If you are using Linux, figure it out on your own:P. Acquire a clean (unedited) FireRed 1.0 ROM from one of the myriad online sources. To check if it is 1.0 vs 1.1, when the game turns on and shows the GameFreak screen, it should NOT say GameFreak PRESENTS in the 1.0 version (see spoiler). I recommend using 1636 - Pokemon Fire Red (U)(Squirrels).gba for smoothest results; although all FireRed 1.0 ROM dumps should be the same if they are done correctly, this is the exact file I used as a base for my patch, so you may as well use this one. Originally Posted by FelipeGazolla Man, it looks incredible.


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This system of choices changing the storyline and a lot of rivals, i love it. Your game will be very great when full, i wish luck for you! Just for curiosity, how is about the progress of the game (in percentage)?Thanks! I'm really glad you're so excited about it!

To answer your question, I feel like I need to break up 'progress' into 3 parts: 1) features, 2) timeline and 3) plot/character development1) Features: 70% complete in terms of impact to player; 40% in terms of work for me:P. The groundwork has been laid, and by the end of beta 1.3 the player should be starting to get a good feel for the personalities and stories of their friends/rivals (some more than others).

At this point, the game has collected a sizable amount of information about your choices. However, the apparent impact of these choices so far is relatively modest. You make two important decisions right before the end of beta 1.3, but you don't start to see the effect of these choices until Cinnabar Island, which isn't included in this beta.

Moreover, most of the lingering mysteries and questions about characters' pasts aren't answered until after the Elite Four. A lot of things will fall into place in the post-game when you start to realize that events or scripts that seemed unremarkable actually held meaning.We also plan to overhaul the dialogue of most of the townspeople and trainers for flavor. Right now, only the bare minimum has been done.All this being said, these percentages are just rough estimates. It's hard to gauge some of these things, and events/maps tend to evolve when you actually sit down and code them into the game.Hope that answers your question. Originally Posted by Crizzle I'm assuming you used trainerbattle 0x9 in order to do loseable battles.

However, I wasn't aware that you could track your record, of whether you win or lose. If you're willing, could you tell how you pulled that off?Yeah, no problem! I think the trainerbattle command has a lot of untapped potential that is poorly documented. I'm sporadically working on cataloging the nuances of the different trainerbattles and filler bytes. At some point, I'll post my findings in R&D.

Pokemon Hack Misty Romero Video

But the most useful finding so far is keeping track of wins/losses with trainerbattle 0x9, which I can explain quickly here.The utter simplicity of this finding is perhaps the reason why it went unnoticed for so long. Originally Posted by Vcaveman Thanks man! That means a lot coming from someone with as many completed hacks as you.Yeah, no problem! I think the trainerbattle command has a lot of untapped potential that is poorly documented. I'm sporadically working on cataloging the nuances of the different trainerbattles and filler bytes.

Pokemon Hack Misty Romero

At some point, I'll post my findings in R&D. But the most useful finding so far is keeping track of wins/losses with trainerbattle 0x9, which I can explain quickly here.The utter simplicity of this finding is perhaps the reason why it went unnoticed for so long. Originally Posted by Mighty Earth Sage The hack looks great but I have a couple suggestions.I noticed there is no physical/special split in this one. Was that done on purpose?

I would really recommend adding it since there are other post gen 3 features.I would also recommend putting fairy-types in the game if you haven't already. Not necessarily any of the newer ones but just ones that were updated as fairy-types like Jigglypuff and Clefairy.Thanks for the suggestions! Both of these were intentionally left out, but they may be added to the final release. The problem with the Gen 4 PSS is it kills some classic Gen 3 movesets.

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For example, if you implement the PSS, Gengar and Alakazam no longer have access to any viable Fire or Ice type attacks (HP notwithstanding, but who's going to breed for that in a hack), Snorlax loses Shadow Ball, etc. You bring up a good point about the existence of other post-gen 3 features, though, so we'll give this serious consideration. It may come in the form of an optional patch which contains the Gen 4 PSS, Fairy type, post-gen 3 moves and full Gen 6 BP/Acc updates. That seems like a good middle ground to cater to those weird ones among us (such as myself) who find the gen 3 mechanics rather charming.I feel like Fairy typing doesn't really have a point when it only affects 8 families and there aren't any Fairy-type moves. But you're right, for completeness' sake, in the final release it would be reasonable to add Fairy type and Fairy-type moves.I won't add anything that is buggy (seen a lot of hacks that mention Fairy type or various post-gen 3 abilities/moves in their known bugs list) at least until I can fix the bugs. Also, I won't add new moves until the end of the game, since I use YAPE so frequently and it isn't compatible with a PGE-expanded move table.Again, thanks for the suggestions! Up to this point it's mainly been seatrekninja and I discussing gameplay changes and making decisions on our own, so we would love to hear the community's opinion on what you want to see in the final version.