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Religious & InspirationalLife Will Hit YouI realized that life is a maze really a tornado for a lot of people and some times life hits you with a lot of curve balls where you feel like there is no way out, some times it gets so hard and no matter how hard you try you just keep getting hit again and again where you feel like it wont stop. I am sure a lot of people have had a blow that hit so hard where you just stop and put your head down and just close your eyes and some how your tears wont come all the way out, because you have felt the pain on your journey and it has harden you so much that you realize that every situation in your. FantasyThe Demond of Legend“Mama, it’s a beautiful day. Can we plant my garden now? You promised,” the little girl asked as she tugged on her mother’s covers.The mother moaned as she stretched and rubbed her eyes. “Is it morning already?”The girl nodded quickly with a large smile of excitement.Her mother smiled back, then stood and pulled open the curtains.

The sun shone brightly as the birds called in the distance.“You’re right Molly, it is a beautiful day. Get your bucket and shovel, and I’ll grab the flowers.”The little girl hurried off to collect her things as her mother put on a scarf and hat and grabbed a t. Self-HelpRecognition: A Step Towards SuccessYou may not think that just noticing something could be successful, or that it doesn’t feel productive.However, this is a VITAL and KEY step to changing anything in our lives!When I receive a phone call from a new client for coaching, I always say, “You already achieved your first goal!

You called because you recognized something in your life was not working!”I have several single friends who are in the dating scene. When they tell me about a date they experienced and some traits and behaviors they disliked, I tell them that it’s great because they are noticing what it is they don’t w. FantasyDembrek of the DRUXSilently Dembrek crept from his hut. He didn’t want to wake his mother so early.

Nor did he want to answer the many questions she’d surely ask about why he was up before the sun, and why he was taking his father’s sword with him.Though still a young boy, he wanted to honor his family, his name, and take his place as man of the house. As hunter and protector. For him, and for his mother, the only family he had left. All he had were faint stories of his father and the magnificent sword he had left behind.Careful to move quickly and unnoticed, he pulled the heavy blade along with him as he he. FantasyThe Spirit of Jet“Come, my darling.” Odeal smiled at her almost two-year-old daughter as she took her hand.

“It’s a perfect day for collecting berries.”Allia giggled as she reached for the butterflies that danced about. The flowers here were beautiful and the berries grew so big in the field over the hill past their home. Allia carried her little basket, eager to fill it and surprise her Daddy with what she picked just for him. Odeal began to sing a beautiful song as she strolled over to a large bush covered in what they were after.As her sun dress blew in the gentle breeze, she tilted her sun hat back to. FantasyThe Mighty KrailessThe air was crisp on the home of the Original People, now called New Strata.

Long gone were the days of the Natives, destroyed by Ridran when he took this place under his rule years ago. When Palisade was toppled by Orion, all was left in disarray, but all was rebuilt stronger and greater than before. The many who ventured to this world seeking all manner of pleasures would surely find it.

The city had grown exponentially, but still couldn’t conquer the vast wilderness of trees that again encompassed most of this now baron planet. Even so, given history’s past, guards were ever at the ready, j. FantasyThe Great Orion'Wake up, my son,' came a soft and beautiful voice.As the boy opened his eyes, he smiled brightly as his mother's face came into view.

She was tired and worn but ever beautiful to her young son.' I saved you some breakfast,' she said as she handed him tiny bits of hard, stale bread.As he chomped down on the morsels, his happy expression changed at the reality of his world, a place he'd forget while dreaming.He lived in a small cage with his mother, surrounded by many other cages, like a prison, all stacked together like cargo. As far as his little eyes could see in his dimly lit surrounding. FantasyThe Sleaze who didn't FreezeThe Sleaze who did not Freeze by P.C. Darkcliff“ my panties!”Although muffled by a wall or two, the scream was so shrill it hit me like a slap with a wet rag. Modelling binary data collett pdf printer reviews. I opened my eyes with a gasp, half expecting to see the morning light struggling through my bedroom curtains.

Instead, I saw the open laptop grinning at me like crocodile’s jaws.The laptop was in a sleep mode. On impulse, I moved the mouse, and a half-finished article leaped onto the screen. I must have fallen asleep while I was typing it.


And the screaming must have been just a soundtrack to a bizarre dream.The sports guy Andy. FantasyThe Wandering CorpseI knew Auntie came to kill me the moment she entered my bedroom. I saw it in her eyes, which shone wildly like the eyes of a rabid animal. Auntie looked very scary in the moonlight that came through the curtains. She made faces as if she had bitten her tongue.

The continuous clamping of her big, yellow teeth was horrible to hear.Her dress was unbuttoned up front, and I could see the red flesh of her breasts. She was often nervous, and she would wail and rock her upper body and scratch her skin with her long fingernails until they bled. Poor Mommy had told me that Auntie had been doing this e. FantasyA Poisoned GiftGrandpa had always been a bastard, even after his death. Well, especially after his death.I’d heard rumors about Grandpa murdering his own brother with an ax. Mom once told me he’d regularly thrashed Grandma so thoroughly she’d had to spend a few days in bed.

Fortunately, the combined powers of arthritis and Parkinson’s had nearly paralyzed him even before I was born. But that made him even more vicious.My first childhood memory was of Grandpa barking at Ma and Grandma as they helped him shuffle from his bedroom to the living room: “Not so fast, you rotting lepers! You think I’m a roadrunn. Biographies & MemoirsA Memoir of A Sadistic Sociopath's Abused SuckerChapter 1 - THE WHO, WHAT, WHENThis is my memoir of a relationship with an architect who lives in Hong Kong.

Recently he calls himself a Sex God (I would say mediocre at the most, unless God means 'Oh God, be more creative!' ) Many critics had discounted my relationship with him; some may call I have a pen pal friendship with him; some called it a glorified generous friendship gone wrong, some even called it was just a fantasy. To me, it was one of my most devoted full-blown relationship, I have worked and spent as much time and efforts if not more on him than in other relationships I have had. Thriller/SuspenseSeroje: The Seeing EyeSeroje is a high-functioning autistic with a photographic memory. She has found a niche in mainstream society, hired as an investigator by OSLO, a watchdog company, because of her unique ability to observe, recall and report with a high degree of detail. But OSLO prefers well-balanced employees and, as a loner, she’s become a blip on their radar.


So when quiet billionaire Craig Manor asks her out to dinner, she agrees, thinking to please her employers. When Craig becomes her next assignment after a failed attempt on his life, she even begins to enjoy his company. But why is she being foll. Thriller/SuspenseA String Of MurderLaura sees strings. Strings are memories people create during heightened emotional episodes. These strings are left behind on inanimate objects, creating a history that Laura can read.

Not a bad skill to have for an antique appraiser. However, not all strings are good.

When she bumps into a serial killer with twenty-three bloody strings attached to his knife, things become personal. Her best friend, Carol, is dating him. Laura suspects Carol is his next victim. She tries going to the police, but they think she’s a kook. Travis Dyner is a respected member of the community. Thriller/SuspenseBantering With MurderBanter is a gun-for-hire. After she does a hit in a park, she meets a good looking detective, Corey Van Baine, who is investigating the case.


But he’s married. When Banter learns his marriage is on the rocks and his wife has left him, she becomes his unlikely therapist to help him overcome the devastation. However, Banter finds herself falling in love with him and suspects Corey is falling for her. A love affair enfolds via cellphones and brief glimpses as they do their jobs.

Him, always one step behind her, trying to find out who she is, and she, leading him on Until they find themsel. Science FictionMultiverse: This is not the only Universe“What the hell of this, Mother”? After saying,-Max throws away the bowl that was full of noodles.' Max my sweet son, don't behave like this'- said his mother.She picked up the bowl, which was rolling on the ground & take an eye contact to max she said- 'why are you always be so angry, just for such small things, my little boy'. Say to me what you want to eat for breakfast? '-“I just want a complete peace & I know I will not found that in this hell place, so goodbye I have not hungry, I'm now going to school & yes don't call me again little boy, ok 'Mrs.

Max Von' wearing his black. FantasyGoing Down To Hadez - UpdatedGOING DOWN TO HADEZOuter Ring UniversitiesExtract from curriculum notes.SUBJECT:REMNANT HISTORYSECTION: FOLK-LOREItem: Poem/Epic/Song:‘Going down to Hadez’‘We’re going down to Hadez, to set those dead folk free.We’ll blast our way past Charon, and then, by Seth, we’ll see.’Hadez spun lazily on its axis, looping in an enormous elliptical orbit round a dark yellow sun in the outer periphery of the galaxy. It was a forbidding place of bare rock and permanent sub-zero temperatures. The sickly yellow illumination of the moribund and too-distant sun gave no warmth, only ca.

Literature & FictionFuneral for CharlieCharlie was dead. It was hard to say what had done him in, but given that his roommates Rusty and Redhead had passed away unexpectedly the week before, my husband suspected environmental causes. Not me, though. I suspected Fishy.The teeniest of all of our goldfish, Fishy had outlived not merely several new fish, but several entire sets of new fish, of a variety of breeds and sizes. We had often remarked on the unquenchable virility which seemed to sustain his minute form while our other fish went belly-up all around him. When poor Charlie got sick, he took to lurking in a corner of the tank. Erotic RomanceMe and Fat MargeI look with pity at my old friend Brent, his warm brown eyes so filled with sadness that tears are threatening to trickle down his usually buoyant cheeks.

It’s the first time I’ve visited Middle-of-Nowheresville since my friend’s wedding nearly a year before, and my heart aches to find him so disconsolate.“Where’s Marge?” I say, looking around for his new bride, a pretty, plump, charmer of a woman with a sparkling personality and a passion for creative cookery.He swallows. “In there,” he says, shrugging a shoulder towards the slider opening onto the living room.I look at the enormous wom. NonfictionWhat is FaithfulnessThe Principle of FaithfulnessFaithfulness is a fruit of the Spirit (cf. Galatians 5:22). The principle of faithfulness is beautifully demonstrated in Hebrews 11 that contains a cloud of witnesses to faith. God honored their faithfulness, thus transforming what appeared to be humanly impossible into a great victory.

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Some of the clouds of witnesses to faith mentioned in Hebrews 11 triumphed as their circumstances changed. However, some of them were scorned and were not esteemed. They endured suffering mockery, flogging, chains, imprisonment and even death. Even though they did not receive their. Science FictionDanger From The Other SideI thought it was a nice day to go up to New York City for the day and walk around and get some relaxing time from my data entry job sitting in front of a computer all day typing all day. I wanted to get away from my everyday boring life.

I haven’t been to New York city in years so I thought it would be nice to go and visit a museum for the day and just relax. I decided to tell my boss that I wanted to request a few days off to get a few nice days of vacation time in. I decided that it was probably best to wait to request off until the end of the week.

I looked at the clock and noticed it was a. Historical FictionMademoiselle at ArmsMademoiselle at ArmsElizabeth Bailey© 2011 by Elizabeth BaileyAll rights reserved.The moral right of the author has been asserted.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the author. Nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the p. Action & AdventureBRAVADOLike most of the people, I also liked Sundays because I got off from my work. However, many of my Sundays got busy as often I postponed many of my personal works until Sunday.Once upon a time I was a family-man. After my wife deserted me two years ago after one year of marriage I had been single.I had married a daughter of my football coach and she kicked me like a football.

I must be the only footballer, who behaved like a football after marriage. I won’t move for anything without a kick and I would go in the direction of the kick and travelled the distance proportional to the force of.