Activation Number Transformers Bumblebee
VolkswagenBumblebee is one of the smallest and physically weakest Autobots. While his stature allows him to do his job better than most Autobots could manage, he is self-conscious about his size. Maybe this is why he makes fast friends among the humans. He looks up (so to speak) to the other Autobots, especially, but what he doesn't realize is that they look up to him. He may be small, but he's brave, and he's one of the most well-liked Autobots around. Bumblebee already has the respect he craves. But the poor bot seems to get kidnapped a lot.
Bumblebee is the Autobot's spy and scout. His talents involve espionage.As Goldbug—, or still Bumblebee, his and 'matured' form—Bumblebee retains most of his earlier strengths and weaknesses, but crippling need for approval. (This is true of some 'matured' versions of Bumblebee without new names or bodies, as well, but is quite markedly associated with the change to Goldbug).
'Some of my best friends are humans.' ―Bumblebee, on his kid-friendly nature ' srcNicknames: Bee, Beeper Japanese name: Bumble French name (Canada): Bourdon/Coccinelle (Bumblebee/Ladybug or Beetle ). Note: Events from the comic stories are in italics.Bumblebee's first appearance. Anywhere.Four million years ago, led a crew of including Bumblebee aboard the to clear a path through an asteroid belt for to pass through. Once their objective was completed, they were attacked by and both their ships crashed in a volcanic mountain on a primitive planet known as. In 1984, the volcano erupted, awakening their ship, which rebuilt them.
Bumblebee was reconfigured to transform into a yellow Volkswagen Beetle.led a mission into a human city to investigate their new world. Bumblebee, anxious to be the first to meet the planet's inhabitants, rear-ended a car full of teenagers at a drive-in movie theater. Before he could introduce himself, he was under attack by Decepticons and damaged badly. One of the teenagers, brought the car back to his father's auto repair shop. Bumblebee weakly pleaded to them to fix him, for he was dying. Buster's father, fixed Bumblebee and offered to help the Autobots convert their native fuel resources into a form that Transformers could use. Bumblebee took Buster with him back towards the Ark to relay this message.RARR!
BUMBLEBEE SMAAAAAAASH!After a seemingly final battle with the Decepticons, the long-lost Decepticon arrived and reversed the Autobots' victory with a single blast. Bumblebee and the rest of the Autobots were kept captive aboard the Ark until managed to free the Ark from Decepticon control and repair them. However, Buster had been entrusted with safeguarding the, which the Decepticons discovered, so Bumblebee and were sent to protect him. Buster was attacked by the Decepticons' newly-built but lifeless.
Bumblebee and Bluestreak did their best to defend Buster, but it was Buster's use of the powers of the Creation Matrix which saved them all, disassembling Jetfire in mid-air. Bumblebee removed Jetfire's brain so Buster could reassemble and remote-control the body with his mind.After the Creation Matrix was returned to a restored Optimus Prime, he was still somewhat disconcerted by his ordeal.
When the Decepticon spy was briefly captured, only to escape again, Bumblebee saw how much this troubled his already upset leader and took it upon himself to chase down and capture the fleeing spy. Unfortunately, he got in over his head and was captured by 's Decepticons after being led into a box canyon. In order to show the Autobots they meant business, Soundwave had deliver Bumblebee's severed arm to the Ark as a message. Soundwave had learned from Ravage how low Prime's self-confidence was at that juncture, and planned to lure the despondent Autobot leader to his death. Instead, kidnapping Bumblebee just pissed Prime off, and he single-handedly bashed and battered his way through the entire Decepticon front, rescuing Bumblebee and restoring his confidence in the process.During the Dinobot Hunt, Bumblebee went to Alaska with Optimus and Ratchet to reinforce the unit trying to overcome the rampaging,. While scouting the perimeter, Bumblebee was shocked to discover a cloaked Autobot shuttlecraft and three of his comrades who had gone missing earlier in the Hunt. He also discovered a Decepticon-issue sonic lance (that was being used to drive Sludge 'berserker mad') installed in the ship.
Rightly suspecting a booby trap, instead of just turning the device off, Bumblebee instead evacuated his comrades and got a good distance away from the ship before using his gun to blow up the sonic lance. Good call — the shuttlecraft exploded violently the moment he did so.When the Autobots took steps to fill out their ranks, Bumblebee was charged with giving four new recruits (, and ) a tour of the planet.
Bumblebee decided a concert would be a good destination, but the Decepticons had sabotaged the event to harvest. Bumblebee disobeyed orders and led the four into battle, saving the concert. When appeared on television and claimed to control the Transformers, it was Bumblebee's job to ask their human business parter, what the deal was. Robot-Master broadcast next in a coal mine next to a de-energized, but before Bumblebee and several other Autobots could investigate, they were pushed away by overwhelming Earth military forces.This event caused Bumblebee to question his usefulness to the Autobots, and he abandoned them without a word. The Decepticons, however, saw much use for him and attempted to apprehend him.
Hiding in a used car lot, he was stolen by, whom he adopted for a while. The Decepticons did not relent, and Bumblebee was ultimately rescued by the rest of the Autobots, an act which reminded him how valuable he was to them.In his earlier appearances, Goldbug kept Bumblebee's body and color scheme.Due to, Bumblebee was damaged and rebuilt into a stronger but similar form—Goldbug. Goldbug and were ordered by the new Autobot leader, Grimlock, to track down the, who had stolen Autobot technology from the Ark.
Grimlock was a terrible leader and had no regard for human life, so both Goldbug and Blaster exiled themselves from his command. Goldbug and Blaster found themselves in the desert of the American Southwest and, thanks to a run-in with the Decepticon, were infested with the disease known as. Goldbug and his human friend left to get help and possibly a cure, but Blaster believed Goldbug had abandoned him to die. Near death himself, Goldbug arrived with Charlie at a gas station, where they met up with the, sent from Cybertron by and armed with acid to contain the disease. Goldbug narrowly escaped extermination when it was discovered that the cure for Scraplets was none other than ordinary. Goldbug called industrialist (on a pay phone), and Blackrock trucked in tanks of water himself.

Blaster was cured and his trust in Goldbug was restored.Goldbug finished his evolution into his own by the time the Throttlebots showed up. He kept Bumblebee's colors, though.With the Throttlebots joining Goldbug and Blaster on their travels, the group discovered that the bodies of and had been found. While they initially intended to let the destroy Galvatron, they were forced to intervene to save human lives. This unfortunately attracted the wrath of the Combaticons. The group found refuge in a used car lot owned.
However, they were all badly in need of fuel. They attempted a deal with Big Steve, but he double-crossed them, filling them up with soda pop instead of gasoline. It was then that the caught up with them, followed by the Combaticons. During the ensuing battle, the immobilized Throttlebots (including Goldbug) were carted away by the humans' anti-robot organization,.Goldbug and the captured Throttlebots were interrogated by, who eventually had their bodies crushed in a pointless threat to stop Decepticon raids. However, their brain modules were transplanted by into remote-control cars owned by his son, who sought out Goldbug's old friend Buster at Goldbug's suggestion. After being attacked by the and separated from the others, Goldbug and Buster traveled to Mount St. Hilary and found the Ark gone.
Using equipment left behind, Goldbug and Buster sent a distress call, just before Ratbat revealed he'd tagged along and crushed the Autobot's toy car body.Arriving in response to his distress call, the Autobot rescued Goldbug's shattered form, patching into his circuits to ease the pain of retelling the attack and capture of Buster. Taken back to their ship, built him a new body identical to his Throttlebot form. Goldbug used it on a mission that led to the discovery that Optimus Prime's mind was recorded on and served as his leader's eyes in commanding the Autobot.Goldbug championed the reconstruction of his former leader's body, until his present allies suggested contacting the Ark to seek the resources to do it. Goldbug was quickly imprisoned by Grimlock, but this allowed him to convince Blaster to fight the Dinobot. After the Decepticons attacked during the pair's duel, Fortress Maximus ordered Goldbug to take the and its skeleton crew back to to rebuild Optimus Prime.Arriving on Nebulos, Goldbug and the others were successful in rebuilding Optimus Prime despite the planet's now-toxic fuel. Goldbug avoided having to undergo the process to survive like the other Autobots due to his high fuel efficiency. On the journey back, Optimus and Goldbug investigated word of starring in the, eventually rescuing the Autobot and his.Ratchet cares not for your maturation andGoldbug was later destroyed by the -powered in.
Goldbug was repaired by Ratchet using Pretender technology.sort of. Instead of simply restoring Goldbug, Ratchet rebuilt him as a much larger Bumblebee, explaining that he'd always preferred Bumblebee's original form. Before they could discuss it further, Bumblebee had to help and Grimlock against Megatron and his minions.
While the new Pretenders defeated the other Decepticons, Ratchet seemingly sacrificed himself to destroy Megatron and his base.Afterward, the three Pretenders briefly joined the Autobot resistance movement on Cybertron. Thanks to his increased stature, Bumblebee experienced a big boost of confidence as he and the others rejuvenated the resistance. In response, ordered the to assassinate them. As Bumblebee, Jazz, Grimlock and the prepared to teleport to Earth, the three Decepticons attacked, sabotaging the.

All nine Transformers found themselves teleported into the heart of Cybertron, where the Autobots discovered the resting place of.There, they encountered the and learned the secret origin of the Transformers, as well as of Primus's never-ending battle with. As the Keeper's tale ended, the Mayhem Attack Squad found the Autobots. Their initial attack destroyed the Keeper, but Bumblebee and the others handily defeated them. However, a stray blast woke Primus seconds before the repaired portal sent the Transformers back to Earth.Bumblebee's Pretender shell was forgotten after this battle, presumably (conveniently?) destroyed.With Unicron undoubtedly on his way to devour Cybertron, Bumblebee and his fellow Pretenders embarked on a quest to find the lost.
The three traveled to, the last known location of Optimus Prime's funeral barge, to search for clues. Finding an abandoned science station, Bumblebee searched through its computer records. He confirmed that the scientists had found Prime's body and the Matrix, but also a strange that promptly attacked one of the scientists. Before they could investigate further, Thunderwing attacked, also seeking the Matrix. Bumblebee used his Pretender shell to combat the Decepticon, only for Thunderwing to destroy it. The feedback temporarily knocked Bumblebee unconscious, and it seemed Thunderwing would destroy all three Autobots, until the Matrix Spawn attacked.
While Thunderwing pursued the creature, Bumblebee and the other Autobots searched the science station for the Matrix. They recovered it, but were so low on Energon that they were becoming unable to compensate for the moon's heavy gravity. While they were attempting to reach their shuttle, Thunderwing overtook them, seizing the Matrix and leaving them for dead. Fortunately for Bumblebee, the Autobots sent a shuttle to rescue him and the others before they entered final shutdown.Bumblebee survived the war with Unicron, and was one of many Autobots left on Cybertron afterwards. Marvel UK future timelinesIn 2007, Bumblebee was stationed on Cybertron after destroyed. Under the command of and, he helped ambush a group of Decepticon attackers, catching them in a pre-planned crossfire. Note: These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity.
See for details.When Optimus Prime left Grimlock in charge of protecting Earth, Bumblebee signed up for the new 'Earthforce' along with many of his long-time comrades. After Prowl disappeared while riding an atmosphere-destroying missile through the stratosphere (long story), Bumblebee and went looking for him. They picked up a set of Transformer life signs on a small island in the Bahamas, and took some speeder bikes to investigate. Instead of Prowl, what they found was a massive reconstructed version of, half-finished as the attempted to recreate their combined form as an independent super-warrior. Luckily, Bumblebee had Ironhide along to disable the automated defense ring protecting the Devastator project, and they were able to destroy 'him' before the Constructicons could activate their creation.Later, Bumblebee joined Jazz, Ironhide and in infiltrating the Decepticon. Fearing an alliance between the two Decepticon factions would be bad news for the Autobots, Ironhide conceived a plan to throw a spanner into the proceedings. Using an unconscious as a patsy, the Autobots staged a sniper shot at Megatron.
When Megatron and his Decepticons unleashed their firepower at the rocks where the shot supposedly came from, Jazz and Bumblebee tossed down Headstrong's body, leading Megatron to conclude Shockwave had tried to have him killed. The peace talks quickly went downhill from there.Bumblebee was present when Wheeljack showcased his brand-new defense grid to successfully protect Autobot Earthbase. Unfortunately, Wheels forgot that, once activated, the defense system could only be deactivated from inside the base.behind the various laser cannons and heat-seekers and Acidbats he had turned on. While Prowl ran the gauntlet to reach the control center, Bumblebee and Jazz watched his back, drawing fire and disabling what defenses they could.
Later, Bumblebee and several other Autobots went in pursuit of of the, who had kidnapped their human ally,. Weaving their way through the various Stunticons who got in the way, Bumblebee and finally managed to trick two of Motormaster's own thugs into running him off the road themselves, giving Bumblebee a chance to rip off his cab door and retrieve Spoon. Conflicting Goldbug originsAin't variant continuity FUN?!In, Bumblebee was destroyed by due to a misunderstanding. They later rebuilt him as Goldbug with help from Ratchet.
However, Marvel UK did not initially print the crossover, so an alternate origin for Goldbug was conceived. In the pages of the UK comic, Bumblebee was destroyed by a time-traveling and repaired by a time-traveling. (The Marvel Joe/TF crossover was published in the UK towards the end of the series.) The conflicting origins for Goldbug is the single largest difference between the American and British Marvel Transformers comics; most everything else kinda sorta meshes together, if you squint. Marvel Generation 2 comicA friendly game of Bumblebowling, honestYears after the battle on, and the Autobots had returned to a renewed Cybertron, Bumblebee received a distress signal from G.I. Joe on Earth, notifying them of Megatron's return. He passed this information on to Optimus Prime.
Bumblebee Transformers Toy
He also accompanied Prime and a team of Autobots to an unnamed planet home to an ancient civilization which reportedly stored a cache of superweapons, and battled the Decepticons there until a monstrous native scared them away.Bumblebee was among the Autobot/Decepticon forces battling the on. I want to tell you about the Transformers!This character article is a and is missing information on their fictional appearances. You can help Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki by.The Transformers cartoon Voice actor: (English), (Japanese), (Greek)Bumblebee's Cybertronian form could give a run for his money.After pilfering with, Bumblebee boarded the with several other Autobots under the leadership of to search for energy. After Decepticons attacked the Ark, Bumblebee, along with the battle's participants and their two ships, crash landed on 4 million years ago. They all laid dormant until 1984 when the Ark's computers were shaken alive as the volcano it crashed into erupted. Bumblebee was rebuilt to transform into a Volkswagen Beetle.
After befrie.
The Fallen in Dreamwave's War Within comics.( Prime Wars Trilogy)InformationAffiliationUnicronDecepticonSub-groupMicro Vehicles, Voyagers, Primes, Thirteen,FunctionFirst and Original Decepticon Leader, First Decepticon Overlord, Overseer of Entropy, Warrior of DarknessRank10Partner,Motto' Destruction, like all things, is mine to command.' Alternate modesCybertronian Destroyer jetThe Fallen is a fictional robot supervillain in the robot superhero franchise. According to, he was formerly known as Megatronus Prime, and was a singularity, meaning that while he exists across the multiverse, this is no longer the case because of an event called, where all singularities within the now exist as separate beings within each universe. As explained in more detail in the appropriate sections below, The Fallen has been given different origin stories in several of the different continuities in which he has appeared.
Although the Fallen's origins are only suggested in his comic book appearance, they would be fully explained in 's Transformers: The Ultimate Guide.Megatronus was one of the original Thirteen Primes created by Primus and the founder of the in many storylines. Originally, he was depicted as having betrayed his creator by siding with Primus' dark twin,. In the final battle between Primus and Unicron, Megatronus fell victim to the same fate as his master, sucked through a black hole into another dimension. However, while Unicron emerged in another universe, the Fallen was not so fortunate, finding himself trapped in the 'underspace' between dimensions. This origin has been altered or revised several times, even to the point that Primus and Unicron are removed entirely, even so, this is because he can jump through time and space, and hop dimensions, like the other.
Contents.Challenge of the GoBots In the 1985 episode 'Search for the Ancient Gobonauts', ' the Evil One', is retroactively a version of Megatronus, according to 'Ask Vector Prime'. He nearly destroyed Gobotron with a device called the Dark Heart, only to wind up under the Nazca Lines on Earth. Centuries later, Cy-Kill goes on a quest to look for the ancient villain.Transformers: Generation 1 continuities Beast Wars Years before the Fallen was introduced in the Generation 1 Dreamwave Productions comic book, would introduce a similar character. This character was known simply 'Megatron'. Both the Generation 1 and Beast Era named themselves after this mythological figure.
It is unknown if this Megatron named himself after him or if they are the same character, but all that is known about him is that he is 'the beginning and the end' and 'the alpha and omega', or at least claims to be as something of a.Dreamwave Productions The Fallen made his first appearance in the second volume of (2003). Around 6.5 million years ago, an accident in the 'space bridge' system on Cybertron liberated the Fallen from his prison, and he materialized on Cybertron, where he quickly recruited the - Bludgeon, Mindwipe and Bugly - into his employ.
Beat this the best of the english beat videos. Abducting Transformers that he identified as possessing 'genetic potential' within their sparks -, and - the Fallen planned to use their energies to awaken Primus from his self-imposed slumber, thereby alerting to his location, allowing the world-eater to renew hostilities with his old enemy. An attack from combined Autobot and Decepticon forces led by and disrupted his plans, and Primus himself reached out and promptly destroyed the Fallen.Fun Publications The Fallen made an appearance in the story Vector Prime: In the Beginning published. This issue shows many key points in previous Transformers stories from across the original comics, the original cartoon, Beast Wars, and the Armada television series. It establishes that there is one Unicron across the multiple continuities, and that Vector Prime travels through all of Transformers history. One of the silhouettes of the first 12 Transformers that stands behind Vector Prime in his first panel appears to be that of The Fallen. The later storyline 'Another Light' saw Megatronus in an unlikely reunion with his fellow Primes, attempting to prevent Nexus Prime from creating firmer barriers between the various multiversal streams.
This effort failed, and resulted in the Thirteen, Primus, and Unicron being split into separate beings with different personalities across the various dimensions. The 'Ask Vector Prime' page also introduced other historical elements to Megatronus' character, such as him and his fellow Primes communicating with ancient Earth using holographic avatars that inspired the gods of, with Megatronus inspiring Ares.IDW Publishing Nexus Prime claimed that Megatronus, in collusion with Liege Maximo, began the First Cybertronian Civil War between the Thirteen and the tribes each Prime led. He broke a promise to Solus Prime and betrayed Prima.
A notable figure in the war was Megatronus' former underling, Galvatron, who succeeded in killing Nexus Prime. In the end, the war forced eleven of the Thirteen to leave Cybertron, and Megatronus chose another planet to reside on.
His location was later discovered by Shockwave, who seeded the planet with one of his Regenesis ores.Prime Wars Trilogy Megatronus/The FallencharacterInformationAffiliationOriginal Thirteen Primes, Primus (formerly)Sub-groupPrimes,FunctionFirst and Original Decepticon Leader, Overseer of EntropyRank10Partner, Primus, Prima and all otherMotto' Enjoy your final days,. After all, no sentient being lasts forever.
Well, almost no sentient being.' Alternate modesCybertronian JetDawn of the Universe and war between chaos and order Megatronus was one of the, the first created by Primus to battle together against the chaos bringer. Thanks to his love interest - who created a cosmic weapon called the capable of vanquishing Unicron - Megatronus was able to depower him, forcing him to temporarily but in a long-term period of time remain in stasis. As the Thirteen rested, Solus Prime was convinced that the Requiem Blaster should be destroyed, not to fall in wrong hands. On the other hand, Megatronus believed that the Blaster should be kept in order to assist the Primes in future sieges.
The brief skirmish for possession of the Blaster resulted in its accidental activation, brutally murdering Solus and transforming her corpse into the. After the other Eleven considered this an unforgivable crime and banished Megatronus for that, they locked away the Requiem Blaster and built a tomb for Solus surrounded by a deep cave.Deception Devastated, Megatronus gathered an army of followers which he named the, inspired by his rage after losing his beloved one. From there, Megatronus set up a plan to recover Solus from the Well by draining the Sparks of all other sentient beings in the Universe. However, he was stopped by Prima, who idealized it would not be worth it to sacrifice billions of new Sparks for an ancient one. It is unknown which path Megatronus took after the showdown. Meanwhile, billions of years later, Megatronus's legacy was inherited by Megatron, who created the Decepticons as of his own vision for the planet Cybertron.Major forces in play Later in the Earth-year 2018, after the Earth Wars between and Decepticons ended and was resurrected and exiled with Megatron and a new High Council -, and - took over the reborn Cybertron after Unicron's second defeat by the new Matrix-bearer Rodimus; Megatronus has sent the Prime artifact known as the to spark a flame to the Combiner Wars, followed by the Titan Wars. He has also collaborated with, who arrived in Unicron's corpse to claim the.
After the clash between Trypticon and Fortress Maximus was over, Megatronus arrived and - at the presence of the renegade Megatron, and - murdered Optimus Prime again and claimed the and the Enigma as fundamental parts of his plot to revive Solus Prime in the Well with a machine of his own.Power of the Primes Angered by Megatronus, Windblade, Megatron, Victorion and Perceptor travelled to a Swamp to claim the Requiem Blaster before him, coincidentally recruiting the Combiners, and the Requiem Blaster's current protector,. However, Megatronus later arrived to claim back the Blaster as the team was weakened after a showdown with Overlord - who was seeking revenge against Megatron - and Rodimus Cron - a renegade Hot Rod possessed by Unicron after inheriting the Matrix of Chaos. With the Blaster, the Matrix and the Enigma in his possession, Megatronus teleported back to the Well of All Sparks to fuse the three artifacts in a machine that would use the Enigma to combine the essence of the Matrix with the power of the Blaster and drain every Cybertronian's Spark throughout the Universe, bringing the Transformers to their final days.Just as Megatronus's machine was activated, the team arrived and damaged it, causing it to briefly go offline. Angered, Megatronus incapacitated all of the members but Megatron by paralyzing them with painful flames.
And just as Megatronus is ready to finish his follower off for good, Rodimus Cron arrives and is completely assumed by Unicron, becoming the new overpowered entity known as, willing to destroy the Matrix of Leadership and the last remnants of his brother Primus within it, as well as destroying the last surviving Original Prime. As Megatronus and Unicron engaged in the closest showdown between Primus and Unicron ever since the dawn of the Universe, Optimus Primal was able to break Megatronus's machine once and for all with the assistance of and Windblade and then he recovered the Matrix of Leadership.
Activation Number Transformers Bumblebee Movie
Enraged again by another nuisance to his plans, Megatronus attempted to stop Primal, but before this was possible he was able to open the Matrix for himself, becoming the new Matrix-bearer.As the fight proceeded, Megatronus was seen fighting the rest of the team as Optimal should fend-off Rodimus Unicronus. When the worst moment came, as the Requiem Blaster was aimed to the team (and more specifically Megatron), Predaking arrived and was able to briefly immobilize Megatronus, later being unfortunately murdered by him as a consequence. During this time, Megatron negotiated with the fading-away figure of a resurrected Solus Prime to stop Megatronus, and during the same time the rest of the team was able to immobilize Rodimus and take the Matrix of Chaos out of his chest. When Solus accepted the deal - for she would not accept her beloved one could take any more lives - Megatronus was lured into the Well of All Sparks, instantly draining his lifeless body inside.
It is known that Megatronus will resurrect in the future due to his immortality and his mutant Spark. The Fallen as he appears in.(English)(film)Voiced by (Japanese)InformationAffiliationDynasty of Primes, later DecepticonSub-groupMicro Vehicles, Voyagers, Primes, Thirteen,FunctionFirst and Original Decepticon Leader, First Decepticon Overlord, Overseer of Entropy, Warrior of DarknessRank10PartnerQuintessa,Motto' Destruction, like all things, is mine to command.' , ' Revenge is mine!' Alternate modesCybertronian Destroyer JetThe character appears as the titular main antagonist of the second live action film, the 2009 sequel to the 2007 movie. Director described him as 'apocalyptic'.
He has the ability to teleport and generate a shockwave upon reappearance. The Fallen is armed with a void scepter. He also has telekinesis. He stands 42 ft (13 m) tall with a mass of 10 short tons (9.1 metric tons).
IDW Publishing In Transformers: Defiance, the artifact containing the Fallen is unearthed when Cybertron is under attack by aliens that desire the AllSpark. During the fight, is gravely injured as the Fallen awakens from his rest, healing Megatron while taking him under his wing with promises of power. Under the guidance of the Fallen, Megatron reforms the Decepticons and plunges Cybertron into Civil War. In the prose story Transformers: Convergence, it is revealed that Fallen freed himself from his prison after presented him Sentinel Prime Space bridge Pillars, explaining how he got freed before the events of Revenge of the Fallen happened.Role in the film The original seven Primes scattered throughout the galaxy looking for planets where they could build Star Harvesters. These massive machines create energon, the vital energy of Transformers, by destroying suns and were activated by an artifact known as the. The Dynasty of Primes had one rule: Star Harvesters were not to be built in systems which contain life. One of them, believing that the Cybertronians were the ultimate race and destined to rule the universe, and also due to his hatred for the human race, chose to ignore this rule.
He arrived on Earth in 17,000 B.C., where he began construction of a new Star Harvester. To assist him, the treacherous Megatronus Prime, now known as The Fallen, assembled an army of like-minded Cybertronians who called themselves 'Decepticons'. Identifying themselves with a symbol based on the fearsome visage of the Fallen, the Decepticons built the Harvester in prehistoric, where they slaughtered any humans who discovered the Harvester. Learning of his betrayal, the other Primes launched an assault on the Decepticon forces.
Although they were unable to kill the Fallen, the Primes succeeded in capturing and imprisoning him before sealing the Matrix within a tomb made of their own bodies, thus sacrificing themselves to help save Earth and humanity.As a result, the Fallen became the first and the true founder and leader of the Decepticons (as accepts the Fallen as his master), and all future Decepticons would wear an insignia which is similar to the Fallen's face.In the present day, the Fallen appears after millennia and resumes leadership of the Decepticons. As he was weakened in the fight against the other Primes, he has spent all this time stuck on his ship on a planet far from Earth, draining energy from the Cybertronian protoforms on the ship to regain his strength. The Fallen reveals to the revived Megatron that the knowledge from the AllSpark they seek so they can find the Matrix is now in, making him the key to another source of Energon, gained from the Sun Harvester, and commands Megatron to find Sam.
He also reveals that he can only be defeated by a descendant of the Primes, with the of these descendants killed by Megatron. Now confident of no threats to him, the Fallen himself travels to Earth to complete his plans to destroy humanity, demanding the humans to turn over Sam to him otherwise the Decepticons will kill them all.
Because of this, Sam is branded a fugitive by the world. Later, the Fallen, along with Megatron and the Decepticons, travel to the Great Pyramids of Giza, where the Fallen's Sun Harvester lies beneath one of the pyramids. There, seconds after has been resurrected by Sam, the Fallen easily knocks a weakened Optimus down, steals the Matrix of Leadership from Optimus' body and teleports to the Sun Harvester. With Optimus too weak to battle him alone, the Fallen uses the Matrix to activate the Sun Harvester, and none of the human forces are able to stop the Fallen.
However, Optimus receives parts from, making him super-powerful, arrives on the scene and promptly destroys the Sun Harvester while knocking the Fallen and Megatron off the pyramid. The Fallen and Optimus Prime then engage in a fierce duel.
Megatron tries to help his master, but is quickly overpowered and knocked out by Optimus. The Fallen counterattacks Optimus, managing to knock away his sword and rip off one of his rocket thrusters before he attacks Optimus with his scepter, but Optimus viciously retaliates by tearing the Fallen's face off with his own weapon. Realizing that he is losing, the Fallen tries to escape, but Optimus punches through his chest and crushes his spark core, finally killing him. Seeing his master dead, a wounded but resilient Megatron takes his position back as leader of the Decepticons, fleeing with Starscream.Video games The Fallen (voiced by ) appears in the official game adaptation of the film. He is not a playable character, but is the final boss of both campaigns, except in the Nintendo DS versions where the final boss is Optimus Prime or Megatron.Aligned continuity Megatronus/The Fallencharacter(English)Voiced by (Japanese)InformationAffiliationDecepticonSub-groupThirteenFunctionOriginal Decepticon & First LeaderRank10PartnerAlternate modesCybertronian TankMegatronus is one of the Thirteen Primes in. He is called 'The Fallen' at times, but never addressed as such when he actually appears.
This version of Megatronus bears a striking resemblance to Generation 1 and transforms into a tank that resembles the tank mode of Shockwave's alternate mode from. Though the exact origins with the Decepticons are unclear, he is called the 'first Decepticon' and bears a Decepticon insignia, a possible nod to.
Plates surrounding his face can become a mask that obscures/protects his facial features, and in addition to sporting arm cannons he wields a powerful spear and possesses supernatural abilities such as telekinesis.Books Megatronus is mentioned as one of the original thirteen Primes in the 2010 book. Megatron is shown originally calling himself Megatronus, after this particular Prime, and is a gladiator, who then takes the name Megatron after the name is shortened by cheering fans at one of his matches. Megatronus, though the namesake of the Decepticon leader Megatron in the book, holds no sway over Megatron, who took the name simply because he had none of his own and wished to be associated with power and grandeur.According to, Megatronus commissioned Solus Prime to create the. Later, Megatronus murdered Solus, triggering the first breaking among the Thirteen and leading him to become the Fallen.reveals that Megatronus and Solus Prime were in love, but that Megatronus was prone to bursts of temper and aggression due to his pride and secret shame at being a necessary counter-force to balance out light and darkness within the Thirteen. Following the War of the Primes, he exiled himself from Cybertron after unintentionally murdering Solus Prime.Animated series In the 2010-2013 animated series, named himself after this particular Prime.
The Fallen is briefly mentioned in the episode 'Partners', when Starscream tells the Autobots that he wishes to join them, Bulkhead jokes by saying that he's been 'lobbing with The Fallen'. In the episode 'One Shall Rise, Part 1', the Thirteen were mentioned as the ones who vanquished Unicron. It is unclear, however, which of the Thirteen depicted in the flashback scene was the Fallen, due to the animation.
In 'One Shall Rise, Part 3', it was said by Ratchet that Megatron named himself after the Fallen's original name: 'Megatronus'.In the 2015 sequel series, Megatronus, one of the original Thirteen Primes, was exiled to another dimension after murdering of which he blames both Earth and Cybertron for. Though trapped in this dimension he is still able to physically communicate with beings in the prime dimension. From his prison dimension, he had observed the Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons, from Cybertron, all across the galaxy and eventually to Earth particulally the battles between both factions' respective leaders, Optimus Prime and Megatron. Impressed and honored by Megatron's respect of his name, Megatronus christened himself a Decepticon, in order to inspire future generations he had foreseen.In the present day, years after the Decepticons defeat, Megatronus plans to destroy Earth and Cybertron and causes the crash of the Autobot ship and releasing its Decepticon criminals, eventually making contact with a pack led.
Megatronus propositions a slightly unwilling Steeljaw into creating a GroundBridge to release him from his prison and in exchange would ensure that Earth becomes his to rule, eventually succeeding and arriving on Earth on Crown City's Liberty Island and declaring his victory. Megatronus subsequently engages Optimus Prime and the other Autobots, and reveals that he has been granted enhanced abilities by an unknown source. Megatronus announces his intention to the Decepticons to use a Spark-fuser to summon what remains of Unicron's anti-spark from Earth's core, and summon the AllSpark from Cybertron and merge them resulting in both planets' dying.Steeljaw becomes furious and attacks Megatronus only to be swiftly defeated but their fight buys the Autobots enough time to destroy the scepter and foil his plan, causing him to lash out at them in anger.
As Optimus continues to attack him Windblade, Sideswipe and Drift manage to cut off Liberty Island statue's arm and land it on him, before Bumblebee, Strongarm and Sideswipe use their combined Decepticon Hunters to emit a blastwave large enough to vaporize Megatronus.