Think Psychology Baird 2011 Ebook3000
This work is protected by local and international copyright laws and is provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their courses and assessing student learning. Dissemination or sale of any part of this work (including on the World Wide Web) will destroy the integrity of the work and is not permitted. The work and materials from this site should never be made available to students except by instructors using the accompanying text in their classes. All recipients of this work are expected to abide by these restrictions and to honor the intended pedagogical purposes and the needs of other instructors who rely on these materials. For introductory psychology courses at two and four year institutions.THINK CurrencyTHINK RelevancyTHINK PsychologyTHINK Psychology, 2/e covers the essentials every introductory psychology student should know. The chapters are briefer than a standard introductory text,allowing for a lower cost to students and using less printed paper.
Unlike other brief texts, THINK Psychology includes 18 chapters of contentgiving instructors the flexibility to choose what they want to cover without the worry that skipping several chapters will mean leaving out hundreds of pages of content.THINK Psychology, 2/e provides currency and relevance through design, current examples and high-interest readings. The readings have been chosen from a range of well respected journals and popular press publications. FeaturesTHINK Currency. THINK Relevancy. THINK Psychology Engaging visual design - designed for today's students - clean, open, full- color design with exciting infographics.

18 chapters - Informed by the latest research and the most current events. Chapter length - average 15 page chapter length. Value-Priced - less than half the costs of most introductory Psychology textbooks. Current and relevant readings - selections from a range of well respected journals and popular press publications, allow instructors to introduce students to primary source material. See below for a list of these readings. Instructors can also package the APS Current Directions in Introductory Psychology reader, edited by Abigail Baird.
TheThinkSpot -. An open-access website with chapter-by-chapter quizzes, downloadable chapter-by-chapter study cards, and on-line flashcards. Audio version - downloadable individual audio chapters available for the entire text. Ideal for students when they are commuting, working out, etc.
New To This EditionFor the second edition, we have updated the text’s organization and content based upon feedback from instructors. Highlights of the improvements to the second edition include:Reorganized Table of Contents. The chapters have been re-ordered to improve the flow of material.NEW Chapter Openers. All of the chapter openers are new to this edition, including the attention-grabbing introductory vignettes and photos.NEW End-of-chapter tests for every chapter. All of the end-of-chapter test questions are new and have been checked for accuracy.New readings in THINK Psychology, 2eReading #1: After Chapter 2, Research MethodsA two-part reading: A Picture’s Worth: Partner Photographs Reduce Experimentally Induced Pain and Pain Relief Through PhotographyReading #2: After Chapter 3, The Human BrainUncovering “Brainscams”Reading #3: After Chapter 14, Social PsychologyWhy Ordinary People Torture Enemy PrisonersReading #4: After Chapter 16 Personality and Individual DifferencesFacebook Profiles Reflect Actual Personality, Not Self-Idealization.
About the Author(s) Abigail A. Baird is a Professor of Psychology at Vassar College. She earned her undergraduate degree from Vassar College and both a M.A. From Harvard University. Download free game empire 250 games cd for sale.
Following completion of her Ph.D. She was awarded a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, at Dartmouth College. Her numerous articles and presentations have covered topics such as adolescent brain development, cognitive regulation of emotion, juvenile justice, and manifestations of racial bias in mind brain and behavior.Abigail's research has received awards from Harvard University, the Society for Research on Psychopathology, and in 2008 the Association for Psychological Science named Abigail a 'Rising Star in Psychological Science'. Her research has also led her to be elected to several scientific societies including the International Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and the Gruter Institute for Law and Behavioral Research.
Abigail has been repeatedly recognized for her excellence in teaching. In 2000 she received Harvard's George Goethals Teaching Prize, and in 2004 was awarded the Class of 1962 Excellence in Teaching Fellowship by Dartmouth College. Her professional accomplishments also include serving as secretary of the Association for Psychological Science, Honorary Faculty Member for the Order of Omega National Honor Society, Invited Faculty to the New York State Judicial Institute and Advisory Board member on the Campaign for Youth Justice. Downloadable Instructor Resources. Instructor's Resource Manual (Download only) for THINK Psychology, 2/E Baird ISBN-10:.
ISBN-13: 049©2011. Online. Live. (1.7MB)Baird2eIRMwordfiles.
MyTest Test Bank for THINK Psychology, 2/E Baird ISBN-10:. ISBN-13: 056©2011. Online. Live URL (origin):. (0.6MB)Test bank questions for import into Blackboard Learning System, CourseCompass, Angel, and D2L courses.
Click here for. PowerPoint Presentation (Download only) for THINK Psychology, 2/E Baird ISBN-10:. ISBN-13: 063©2011. Online. Live. (59.1MB).
Test Item File (Download only) for THINK Psychology, 2/E Baird ISBN-10:. ISBN-13: 032©2011. Online. Live. (0.7MB). PearsonChoicesGive your students choices! PearsonChoices products are designed to give your students more value and flexibility by letting them choose from a variety of text and media formats to best match their learning style and their budget.Pearson Higher Education offers special pricing when you choose to package your text with other student resources.
If you're interested in creating a cost-saving package for your students, see the. THINK Psychology (All Inclusive), 2/E Baird ISBN-10:. ISBN-13: 717 ©2011. Electronic Book. Available. THINK Psychology (Subscription), 2/E Baird ISBN-10:. ISBN-13: 258 ©2011.
Adobe Reader. Available. Pearson Learning SolutionsNobody is smarter than you when it comes to reaching your students. You know how to convey knowledge in a way that is relevant and relatable to your class. It's the reason you always get the best out of them. And when it comes to planning your curriculum, you know which course materials express the information in the way that’s most consistent with your teaching. That’s why we give you the option to personalize your course material using just the Pearson content you select.

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Think Psychology Baird 2011 Ebook3000 Free
Custom LibraryOur library is vast, and it's all at your fingertips. Create a custom book by selecting content from any of our course-specific collections. Here, you'll find chapters from Pearson titles, carefully-selected third-party content with copyright clearance, and pedagogy.
Think Psychology 1 E
Once you're satisfied with your customized book, you will have a print-on-demand book that can be purchased by students in the same way they purchase other course material.Custom PublicationsBrowse through our list of published titles. These books are examples of original manuscripts created in partnership with local Custom Field Editors. They have been authored by instructors at specific campuses, but are readily available for adoption.