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With its comprehensive design, Trilian brings manydifferent types of Bass together into one extraordinary-soundingvirtual instrument.Trilian is designed from the ground up to be the mostversatile bass virtual instrument available today with a new level ofexpressive, real-time performance for acoustic and electric basses –plus cutting-edge synth bass tones with powerful editing andextraordinary sound quality. Trilian is the successor toSpectrasonics’ award-winning bass instrument,offering deeper control of musical expression and much greaterflexibility of sound shaping.
Trilian’s 34GB library is10-times the size of Trilogy and features all new acoustic,electric and synth basses.Powered by next generation Engine technology,Trilian is the first instrument to feature core library integrationwith Spectrasonics flagship synth –allowing Trilian’s sounds to be used within the Omnisphereenvironment for further sound design and keyboard/bass splits.At Spectrasonics, we’ve always lovedBass sounds.” notes, Founder and CreativeDirector. “When we started 15 years ago, our very first productwas the best-selling sample library.
Then in 2002, weintroduced Trilogy – the world’s first Bass VirtualInstrument. Now we are very pleased to release Trilian, whichrepresents a whole new generation of our Bass development. Trilian isbuilt on the Engine that powers Omnisphere, which has allowedus to create the most expressive and flexible Bass module we’veever made.”PERFORMANCEThe acoustic and electric basses in Trilian are sampled at anextremely high level of detail. The combination of the software’sintuitive, automatic selection of legato and release articulations asthe user plays - and the extensive ‘Round-Robin’variations introduced for natural sounding bass lines with repeatednotes - create a more dynamic and subtle playing experience.
Newlydeveloped multisampled dynamic slides let notes realistically slidefrom one to another. Each of the basses feature multi-channelmixing between phase-locked microphone/amplifier and direct outputsof each bass.BASS INSTRUMENTSOver sixty different 4, 5, 6 and 8 string Electric basses arepresented in fingered, picked, fretless, slapped, tapped, and mutedtechnique variations – providing a huge variety of sounds forany musical genre. Highlights of the Electric Basses include aMusic Man™ 5-string Studio Bass, Chapman Stick®, Lakland™Rock P-Bass, Clean Fender® Jazz Bass, a Hardcore Rock Bass, aRetro 1960’s Epiphone® Viola Bass and much more.Trilian’s stunning Acoustic Bass is the most detailedinstrument Spectrasonics has ever released, with 4 audio channels andover 21,000 samples to create this single instrument! All thiscombined with Trilian’s high-resolution streaming of the soundsputs a depth of realism into performances that is truly inspiring.SOUND CREATIONFor Synth sounds, Trilian features newly-developed4-Pole “Juicy” and “Power” Filter algorithmswith oscillating resonance that are ideal for electronic bass.Hundreds of synth soundsources were created using over 30 of the mostexotic and coveted hardware synthesizers – from the originalMoog® Taurus Pedals to the latest boutique analog modularsynthesizers. SALES, UPGRADES, DELIVERY:Where can I purchase Trilian?Download sales and Upgrades are now available for purchase in our. Physical sales (boxed with USB drive) are handled exclusively through our.Is there an upgrade for Trilogy users?Yes!
If you already are an Trilogy customer, you are eligible for the Trilian Upgrade - available now in the.Is there a DEMO version of Trilian I can try?Because of the size of our instruments, we don't offer Demo versions. However, you can contact one of our local dealers in your area in order to arrange a live demo of Trilian. To find a local dealer in your area, please contact your local.How are Spectrasonics Instruments delivered to new users?All Spectrasonics instruments are available in two different editions: Boxed and Download.
The physical boxed editions now contain high quality USB drives and are sold exclusively to new customers through our. The download editions are now available and sold exclusively through our.Aren’t Spectrasonics Instruments delivered on DVD-ROMS?They used to be, but this is no longer the case. All our physical boxed versions have now been revised with high-quality USB drives. For convenience, we now also offer download sales of new Spectrasonics Instruments direct to customers from our.
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Both of these new delivery platforms offer much faster and more reliable installations than DVD discs.If I buy the Boxed version, will I also be able to get a download in the future? If I buy the Download Edition, will I also be able to get a drive? If I have the DVD-ROM edition, will I be able to get the drive or future downloads if I need them?Yes to all of the above! We are happy to announce that there are now alternative forms of installation available optionally to registered users - no matter which edition you have originally purchased.Spectrasonics is keenly aware that many users no longer have computers with optical drives and there are numerous scenarios when the convenience of downloading or the speed of a USB drive would be a preferred form of installation for different types of users. To address all the various user needs and scenarios, Spectrasonics has a new Support Services area that offers Alternative Installation USB Drives and Additional Download Installations for optional purchase. These services are available for purchase directly in our for registered users.How is the Upgrade delivered? Is it downloadable?
How big?The Trilian Upgrade package is a 34GB download which you can order through our.Is the Trilian Upgrade available as a physical product?Not at this time. Our download service is highly reliable though. Even with slower connections.Where do I order the upgrade from?
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Can I get the upgrade through my local dealer?Upgrades are available exclusively through the Spectrasonics.Can I download the upgrade?Yes. SOUNDS:How large is the core library?The Trilian core library is ten times the size of Trilogy - over 34 Gigabytes! There are many hundreds of different Soundsources and Patches, some containing many thousands of samples each, and with more new patches and sounds being added over time.Is everything from Trilogy included in Trilian?Yes, of course!What's the total number of sounds in Trilian now?2,823 and growing!Does it contain all the samples from the original Trilogy?Yes! All the original core library samples and enhanced versions of all the classic Trilogy sounds are included.Does Trilian include 'classic samples' from libraries such as Bass Legends?Yes!
Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass
Bass Legends was Spectrasonics' very first product, and was released in 1994. It features Abraham Laboriel, Marcus Miller and John Patittucci. The Bass Legends sounds have also been remastered, enhanced and added to Trilian as a special bonus.There are a wide variety of basses included, and because they are smaller files, they will load quickly. If you are composing and need a quick bass sound, these provide a great starting point.All the Bass Legends sounds have been enhanced using the engine FX, and we even added release noises and other improvements, so they sound even better than ever!How much of the Core Library is from the original sample libraries?A very small percentage. The vast majority of the 34 Gigabytes is brand new.
And of course, all the new Patches have never been presented before. CONCEPTS:What is Trilian?Trilian is an amazingly versatile and award-winning software instrument plug-in designed for world-class Acoustic, Electric and Synth Basses. Trilian is based on the same in-house ' engine' technology that Spectrasonics uses for the flagship Omnisphere synthesizer.
COMPATIBILITY/REQUIREMENTS:What are the minimum system requirements for Trilian?You can view them.Is it compatible with xxx?Check our in the Knowledgebase which we keep up to date with the latest info.Will Trilian replace my Trilogy plug-in?No. Trilian is a brand new plug-in.Does Trilian use Copy Protection?Yes, please see the area of the Knowledgebase for more information on our system.Does Trilian include a manual?All our instruments include a comprehensive online Reference Guide, which is accessible directly through the plug-in. The integrated Reference Guide is searchable and we can keep it up to date with the software releases.
You can check out the Reference Guide.How fast of a computer will I need to run Trilian?As with all virtual instruments - the faster the better. Trilian is designed to run optimally on modern computers. See the for more information.Does Trilian need as much CPU power as Omnisphere?No. Bass sounds require far less polyphony than most of the sounds in Omnisphere, and as a result typically require significantly less CPU power to run. However, Trilian's largest sounds contain upwards of 10,000+ samples, so it can take much more memory resources and we recommend having a 4gb system.Is Trilian 64 bit?Yes!
All our instruments are 64-bit native on both Mac and Windows. They are fully-operational in 32 bit hosts as well.Does Trilian use streaming?Yes! Trilian streams from the drive for quick loading of the sounds.
Drive streaming is also configurable.Can I selectively install parts of the Trilian library since it is so large?Because of patch compatibility, Trilian must always be installed with the complete library. However, you can install the 35 Gigabyte library to a secondary or external drive if you wish.Will Trilian's streaming benefit from a faster hard drive?Fast drives are a smart way to go of course. There's a chapter in the devoted to optimizing Performance with Trilian.Can I install Trilian on a different drive?Yes, you can definitely install the library to a secondary or external drive.Does Trilian have the same FX as Omnisphere?Trilian contains all the same Effects as Omnisphere v1, but not the new FX added in Omnisphere 2. QUOTES 'The only bass plug-in you need? Absolutely if you can't find the bass you need here, you're doing something wrong.'
-Future Music'A musical instrument that begs to be played, Trilian isn't just the best bass instrument on the market, it sets the gold standard for years to come.' -Keyboard'The fact that Trilian is so well integrated with Omnisphere is really a plus in my mind. This takes it to a whole new level.' -Lyle Mays'Yet another triumph for Spectrasonics an exhaustive collection of some of the best bass sounds we've ever heard. Easily the most comprehensive source of bass sounds.'
-Music Tech'A dream come true for anyone seeking acoustic, electric or synth bass sounds.' -Pro Sound News.
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