Pokemon Xd Gale Of Darkness Iso Pallets
Originally Posted by pokemonlover493 Hey, I haven't played this hack yet, but it looks really good. However when I played XD Gale of Darkness on its own on Dolphin emulator, the game crashed in the cave in Agate Village. Is there any way to keep that from happening?I haven't heard of that happening before and I don't really see any reason why that would happen. You can try dolphin 5.0 which was recently released.
It seems to be really stable.Alternatively, if you have a wii or wii u lying around you can follow some relatively simple steps to get a gamecube emulator on it (I use nintendon't). Since it runs the actual official gamecube emulator it runs perfectly. Originally Posted by pokemonlover493 I just now downloaded Dolphin 5.0. I will download this hack when I am sure that it is not being updated anymore. What all are you doing to update it more StarsMmd?It's mostly done.
I just have to put battle bingo and battle cds back in. There'll be a minor update in a few days which moves a few shadow pokemon around. Nothing important but you can wait for that one if you like. Everything after that will just be added on but won't affect the rest of the game. Originally Posted by StarsMmd It's mostly done. I just have to put battle bingo and battle cds back in. There'll be a minor update in a few days which moves a few shadow pokemon around.
Nothing important but you can wait for that one if you like. Everything after that will just be added on but won't affect the rest of the game.Will saves be able to be carried over between updates? Will you be able to download the battle bingo and battle cds update whenever that will be released and patch it to the game after saving with the update that will be coming out in a few days?

Pokemon Xd Gale Of Darkness Iso Pallets List
Sorry if this question is hard to understand, but I couldn't think of a good way to word it. Originally Posted by pokemonlover493 Will saves be able to be carried over between updates? Will you be able to download the battle bingo and battle cds update whenever that will be released and patch it to the game after saving with the update that will be coming out in a few days? Sorry if this question is hard to understand, but I couldn't think of a good way to word it.That's okay, I get asked a lot so I have a good idea of what you mean.The save file will transfer over. The battle bingo/cd update is another patch which you apply to a clean ISO but doesn't change anything that affects the save.

The save file will still work fine with no problems. Originally Posted by pokemonlover493 Hey, StarsMmd. A few more questions. What is the timetable on the minor update? Also, do you think you can post some screenshots of the changes? No rush for the minor update. I am just wondering, because I am looking forward to playing the game.
Good luck with the rest of it.Well I don't have any particular schedule. There isn't much left to do tbh but I got hooked on pokemon go XD. Should be soon though! There isn't really much that's worth showing screenshots for. Originally Posted by pokemonlover493 What projects do you have planned after this? Also, are all pokemon available in this hack?

Is that even possible to make them all available in XD?Not every pokemon is available. It's possible to have about 150 obtainable pokemon without making any drastic changes.
I'm not sure it's possible to represent every evolution line in only 150 slows by I may be mistaken.I'm working on hack tools for colosseum, xd and battle revolution as well as xd randomisers. Mu colosseum randomiser is already out but could do with some work.