Install Clickonce Programmatically Import

(Doing my best to keep this topic alive.)Yes, a Content Delivery Network helps in some cases - but not all.We deploy a large system to the AEC (construction) vertical market, and a significant number of our clients decide to self-host the solution. Each of these update at their own pace - and therefore each of them needs their own update distribution location. (Because if the client compenents look to our servers for the latest version, it may be newer than the core system currently running at their company).To make the fun even funner - our client side deployment has a main component and (currently) four optional additions. This means I have to dynamically modify and resign several deployment manifests for each client site.It is extremely disappointing that 'secure deployment' has resulted in a set of tools that are too tightly locked down to be practical. I still have trouble accepting that a locked down update location is required to maintain security - what difference does the source location matter as long as the manifests themselves are signed?
I believe the point of making the location secure is so that somebody in Russia (for example) doesn't hijack your installation url and supply a different set of files. People always want something secure, and when they get it, they complain that it is too secure.;-)Have you read this article about creating ClickOnce apps for others to deploy? It might help.As for the dynamic components. Frankly, I would include all of them in the application, and handle whether the person can access them or not through a configuration file (encrypted) included with the application.
That way, you can deploy the same version to each client and only change the config file.RobinS.GoldMail.comRobinS. I don't deploy from a URL, I deploy from a network share on a private network spread over many hundreds of miles. If I deploy from one address it can take my clients as much as 20-30 minutes to open the application.My manifests are signed. In the unlikely event that somone broke into out network, spoofed the server, joined their spoofed server to the active directory, and supplied my users with an alternate version of the program, then the signatures on the application and deployment manifests would still not match the ones in the prior version.I am not using click-once for security reasons, I am using it for convenience. I should have the choice what degree of security/convenience I take advantage of. After all, it would not be dificult for Microsoft to change this, all they need to do is decide to. First, I want to give credit to RobinDotNet - his reference to the article on 'Creating ClickOnce Applications for Others to Deploy' ( ) certainly does provide the information on how to make this possible.
Still not as flexible as it should be - but at least possible.The key is using your Authenticode certificate to sign the application manifest and a throw away for signing the deployment manifest. You can then have different deployment manifests on different deployment points. It does lock an install to the update source from which it installed, which may not be ideal for a variety of reasons.As for security: Sure, someone can spoof my server. They can create a deployment and sign it with a seemingly trustworthy certificate of their own - even one that 'looks like' my CN.
But if the update process were to check that the new application manifest was signed by the same certificate as the prior deployment.then the update location.could. be more flexible and remain more secure than it is by limiting the update source location. Because - even with the locked down update location - if that hacker hijack's my update location URL, ClickOnce will read whatever he placed there and update because he signed the manifests with his seemingly trustworthy certificate. Not caring that the signer doesn't match the original signer. Why is this more secure?Finally: dynamic components.
The point of having separate components is/was to shorten the download. The ClickOnce equivalent is conditional download groups - but MAGE -FromDirectory does not support building conditional download groups. Another ClickOnce disappointment. But at least this one has workarounds.
IntroductionThis article presents quick and clear steps for the click once deployment techniques for the Infrastructure and Developer/Deployment Team. It covers the web server setup, directory structure, file share and permission tips on the deployment server and basic steps for the developers to deploy and general troubleshooting.ClickOnce is simple to configure and use without leaving the Visual Studio environment. It is easy to deploy the windows based client application using the interactive tool. The application can be distributed to install and to receive updates in the forms of URL, URI and CD media.ClickOnce is definitely an advantage over the previous generation of Install and Updater tools provided by Microsoft.
There is no need to add a setup/MSI project or struggle with the manifest tool by Application Updater Block anymore.Upon the install, it creates a shortcut under Programs-CompanyName-Product directory. The user should also be able to Remove or Repair the application using Windows 'Add or Remove Program' utility. Deployment Web Server SetupIn this example, the deployment server is ' MyAppUpdater'. It has limited access to all the users but it has shared directory with permissions to the developers as, to host the deployment files.There is no need to create the subdirectory or browse to the directory. ClickOnce from the VS2005 IDE creates them automatically for us. Follow the steps below for a quick guide to the deployment.
Ganesh KP 23-Mar-17 4:1323-Mar-17 4:13Hi,I have followed the steps mentioned in the article and I could able to install in my machine. Prasanta Bhowmik 10-Jan-11 0:5510-Jan-11 0:55Hi Preeti,I have a windows forms which i have deployed using click once technology. But initially when we build the solution with set as 'Any CPU', but its only ran on 32 bit operating system not on 64bit.So now we have build the solution as 'x86' which support the 32 and 64 bit both the versions.So when users trying to upgrade from the previous version to new version they got the error as 'The deployment identity does not match the subscription.' Coz we have changed the platform target from 'Any CPU' to 'x86'.So is there any way we can sort this out.Thanks,PrasantaUK. Cocis48 21-Jul-09 8:1421-Jul-09 8:14My application solution has a windows project and a web service project.
I did click once and deploy to a share hosting company. When I install the application on a client and try to use a option that uses the web service I got a message like this: 'The communication object, SystemModel.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state'. If I try in my development machine it works fine. Any suggestions?thanksOscar. As suggested, you can set the files to be embedded and they should be picked up as DLLs. Alternatively, you could try my software. ClickOnceMore is a ClickOnce tool designed to make life easier if you're doing a slightly more complicated ClickOnce deployment.
Check it out at.Within the software, using the File Inclusion Rules you'll be able to pick up all DLLs in any given directoy and include them in your ClickOnce manifests. They'll automatically be included as DLLs so no need to worry about embedded resources.If you are doing odd things with ClickOnce, then ClickOnceMore is worth a look.Regards,Greg JackmanRed Sky Software. 6-Sep-08 2:396-Sep-08 2:39Hi all,I am working on a windows forms app. I do my development in a development environment, and I have certain settings in my app.config like connection WCF that point to my development WCF services.When I deploy my Application with ClickOnce, those settings are going to have to be updated to their production values. What is the recommended method for managing this?
Clickonce Plugin Download
I can't imagine modifying the app.config on production and then having to start over again with the development values the next time i publish.Thanks in advanced. Please, any help will be grateful. Gabriel X 20-Dec-07 9:0120-Dec-07 9:01Hello friend,As an amateur programmer, I am dealing with my softwares' deployment.
You know, today a lot of softwares are being developed, without any dependency of.netframework. Surely people don't like to see an error while running a software, which says: '.netframework.v2 needed!' So, I have to find a way to make my software.netframework-independent. Current dependencies are: '', 'system.drawing' and 'system'. If there is any solution for my problem at all, please share, I'll be grateful!
Neal Sualog 29-Jul-Jul-07 18:39I don't encounter any problem on publishing the project to the webserver but when i tried to install it from the website(publish.htm) setting up the application on my local computer fails. What seems to be the problem? Do i have to make any additional configuration on the apache webserver? Preeti Baranga 10-Jan-Jan-07 19:41Ref (Troubleshooting #2)Setting up IIS to allow downloading.config file could be risky considering this is the file which holds database connection strings and other settings.
To minimise the risk of getting burnt deployment team needs to work closely with the IT/Infrastructure to setup the website and limit the access to the machine. The connection string to database and other sensitive information should always be encrypted in the config file or any other manifest files, regardless it is clickonce deployment, setup using msi or any other kind of distribution. The deployment website can be limited to internal network only not public access. Deployment website should not host other public facing public website. Installation to public can be through the CD installation, could minimise the risk.Preeti. CliffStanford wrote:For ClickOnce to work, not only must the user be using Internet Explorer but he must have set it as his default browser.If he is using Firefox or another browser, the download will fail.Problem with deploying.application file is not a browser problem but it is the security constraint on IIS.
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IIS would not let.deploy,.config or.application files download for security reason. The deployment team needes to set appropriate MIME TYPE for the deployment website to allow these files as described in this article under troubleshooting. I do not have any problem to install using IE or Firefox web browser.Though setting up IIS to allow downloading.config file could be risky considering this is the file which holds database connection strings and other settings. To minimise the risk of getting burnt deployment team needs to work closely with the IT/Infrastructure to setup the website and limit the access to the machine. The deployment website can be limited to internal network only not public access.
Deployment website should not host other public facing public website. Installation to public can be through the CD installation, could minimise the risk.Preeti.